Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset (SU)

Tillsammans utvecklar vi Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset för en hållbar framtid. Vi ställer om hälso- och sjukvården med målet att vara Europas ledande universitetssjukhus 2032. Tillsammans med patienterna arbetar vi för kvalitet, tillgänglighet, patientsäkerhet, forskning, utbildning och innovation – i ett sammanhållet hälso- och sjukvårdssystem i Västra Götalandsregionen. Vår vision och våra mål tar sikte mot en vård av yttersta kvalitet, där patienten alltid är i fokus. Vi erbjuder hälso- och sjukvård lokalt och regionalt, men också högspecialiserad vård till patienter i hela landet och utomlands. Våra medarbetare är vår styrka och de bidrar i kunskapsutbyten nationellt och internationellt. Med digitala verktyg och nya arbetssätt kan vi förenkla vardagen på sjukhuset och erbjuda en modern, tillgänglig och effektiv vård av högsta kvalitet.

Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg- SWEDEN- is looking for nurses specialized in intensive care to work with us during June- August 2021

Sahlgrenska University Hospital (SU) create the highest quality care with the patient in focus. With great commitment and constant learning, we are one of the country's leading university hospitals. We carry on everything from county health care to highly specialized national health care. Through interesting research, we have a focus on future healthcare. In our work we take advantage of the breadth of knowledge and experience we have in common - Together with you we want to create value for our patients.

What we offer
We are looking for you who want to work at the top of your expertise with highly specialized care. With us you will get an exciting job with continuous learning, in an environment characterized by research and further education. If needed we will offer to help you finding accommodation in Gothenburg. We offer very good economic remuneration during these summer weeks. Permanent positions will also be available after August.

Your work assignments

In your role as an intensive care nurse you will attend Covid-patients with:

  • Care for patients with failure of one or more organs, with varying diagnoses
  • Monitor and manage medical devices
  • Assessing, monitoring, executing and evaluating nursing measures
  • Rehabilitate and provide treatment / nursing in a palliative condition
  • Minimize risks, prevent ill-health and preserve and support the patient's self-esteem for well-being

Your qualifications

We are looking for registered nurses with specialist training in intensive care. As a person you have a good cooperative ability, are flexible and can work independently. You are proactive and are responsible for your own tasks but also for the whole team.

If you hold a non Swedish diploma, you will need to apply for a license to practice as a nurse in Sweden from Socialstyrelsen (The National Board of Health and Welfare). To apply for the license it is required to have the necessary language skills (level C1) in Swedish, Danish or Norwegian.
You also need to show that you have the right professional qualifications for your profession.
This also applies if you are a citizen of Sweden, Denmark, Finland or Norway.
Read more here:


If you meet the formal requirements above:

Send your application (or questions) to the following email-adress with:
- your CV
- your nursing + specialist ICU diploma
- state the dates from- to you are available to work during the period of June – August 2021

Don’t wait with getting in contact. We are looking forward to your application!

Sahlgrenska University Hospital is located in several locations in the Gothenburg area and provides anesthesia, surgery and intensive care at Sahlgrenska Hospital, Eastern Hospital, Queen Silvia Children's and Youth Hospital and at Mölndal Hospital. Operations are conducted in 13 operating departments and eight intensive care units. Research, development and education of future healthcare professionals is a major and important part of our overall business.

Anställningsform Särskild visstidsanställning
Anställningen avslutas 2021-08-31
Anställningens omfattning Heltid/Deltid
Tillträde By agreement/Enligt överenskommelse
Löneform Individual wage setting /Individuell lönesättning
Antal lediga befattningar 5
Sysselsättningsgrad By agreement/Enligt överenskommelse
Ort Göteborg
Län Västra Götalands län
Land Sverige
Referensnummer 2021/3368
  • Welcome Services,
Publicerat 2021-05-21
Sista ansökningsdag 2021-06-21

Tillbaka till lediga jobb